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Ti-UNic Biotech introduced TUN-828® at Taiwan International Beauty Expo in October.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, Ti-UNic Biotech has observed that the discussion of hair issues has rapidly increased, and consumers have paid more attention to scalp care. Therefore, Ti-UNic Biotech has been actively deploying the development of the hair products market since the second half year of 2020, and commissioned Tzu Chi Medical College has been approved by the ethics committee and has completed formal human clinical trials. The results show that it has a significant positive impact on the health of the scalp and hair follicles.
In recent years, major manufacturers in various countries have actively invested in the research of microbiome on scalp. The research on microbiome of TUN-828® was recognized by the R&D departments of L'Oréal and other major manufacturers at the Cosmetic 360 exhibition in France. Futhermore, the Taiwan International Beauty Expo attracted many domestic manufacturers to inquire about their further related technical cooperation, which can be expected in the future.